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23 January-21 February 2020 Tan Tan
Diary During the Wuhan Lockdown is a work written by artist Tan Tan from January 23 to February 21, 2020. She posts her diary on WeChat...
11 February 2020 Li Jikai
我在网上收集了许多中国各地具特色的疫情发生之初的文字标语横幅,作为我的作品提交这次的网上展示。 Li Jikai’s untitled work is a group of text slogans and banners collected online that...
11 February 2020 Ke Ming
Spring Festival 2020 is a time that all Chinese people, myself included, will never forget. I had decided to give up on this show one...
12 February 2020 Zi Jie
Dear Gaia and Luigi: Hello from Wuhan. I am Zi Jie, an artist and comics maker who lives in Wuhan. It is so dim the weather here, and it...
13 February 2020 Li Liao
Hi, I'm Li Liao, an artist from the Hubei province. This video clip was created by me when visiting Hubei province during the martial law...
14 February 2020 Li Zhongwei
Hi, I am very glad to see such a Project about this epidemic. I am an artist living in wuhan, my name is li Zhongwei, and I hope to...
16 February 2020 Wen Jing
Hi Luigi, Nice talking to you, I will try to communicate with you in English. "Quarantine psychological aspects of sensory deprivation...
16 February 2020 Li Zi
In between Life and Death is a Layer of Glass----Interpretation of Lizi’s Sad Diagnosis I was deeply impressed the first time I saw the...
17 February 2020 Juan Po
Download the document to see Juan Po's full submission:
18 February 2020 Chen Qiang
Quarantine Video Art 1:30 Chen Qiang Overview: Use children's rap to talk about the voice of the heart and the complaints of isolation
18 February 2020 He Gong
Dear Gaia, I am He Gong, an artist and an art teacher of Sichuan University in Chengdu. I got email from curator Du, Xiyun about Grandine...
19 February 2020 Han Bo
Dear Gaia Fugazza, This is Han Bo, an artist from Harbin, China. I usually live in Beijing. I live with my parents in Harbin because of...
21 February 2020 Chen Xi
陈熹 Chen Xi 《救火》 fire fight 2014 纸、水彩 Watercolor on paper 22.6 x 56 cm 陈熹 Chen Xi chicken still A 2019 数码绘画,电子档 Illustration, digital file...
21 February 2020 Fang He
方禾 Fang He Particles at Rest 2020 丙烯、紙 Acrylic on paper 24 x 32 cm
21 February 2020 Jin Jinghong
Please find the details of the works in here.
21 February 2020 Wang Zhiyi
《暂存景观》Temporary landscape 生活中,我⼀直对城市系统中设置的物件保持观察的兴趣。有很多颜色与形状原本就是具备功能性的,比如隔离带,交通标示,信号灯,路障等等。特定的颜⾊与图示对应相关的内容,这很启发我的创作。同时,随着城市化进程的不断发展,这样的物件...
22 February 2020 Jin Haofan
《流行病毒》 艺术家: 靳浩凡 关于最近新发现的新型冠状病毒,本来准备了长篇大论的内容想要刨根问底去探究病毒突破种间隔离的最根本原因(即人类活动对野生动物或整个生态系统的侵犯),但在越来越多的事件发生之后我觉得比病毒更可怕的东西在流行蔓延(或是早已遍布身边)。这组作品用典型...
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